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Snoring is Affecting My Relationship

Your relationship may suffer if your spouse or significant other has complained about your snoring. Loud snoring can be an indication of a more serious condition called sleep apnea, which has serious health repercussions in addition to keeping your sleeping companion awake at night. Sleep apnea isn't just characterized by snoring. You might also look out for other indicators such as daytime sleepiness, fatigue, irritability, sore throat, dry mouth, sexual performance issues, and more. If you are suffering from any of the possible symptoms of sleep apnea, you should meet with our snoring specialist at the Black Hills Sleep & TMJ Solutions in rapid city for an evaluation so that you can receive appropriate treatment 

Snoring Could Be Harmful to Your Health 

Snoring that is too loud is often a sign of sleep apnea, a disorder in which patients cease breathing for short periods of time during the night. These apneas restrict the quantity of oxygen available to the body, causing inflammation and contributing to a variety of health issues. Sleep apnea is linked to an increased risk of high blood pressure, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart difficulties, and stroke, according to research. You can also suffer from sleep apnea without snoring, please visit Black Hills Sleep & TMJ Solutions in Rapid City and start treatment for snoring and sleep apnea

 It also causes exhaustion, which can be dangerous for patients. Snoring does more than keep your companion awake at night. It's also generating troubles in your physique. Don’t delay booking a consultation with our snoring specialist in Rapid City.

Treatment of Snoring And Sleep Apnea
The Causes And Other Symptoms Of Sleep Apnea

What Are The Causes And Other Symptoms Of Sleep Apnea?

 Sleep apnea occurs when either the back of the tongue or other soft tissues at the back of the throat obstruct the airway while you are lying down. Certain risk factors increase the likelihood that a person will suffer from sleep apnea, including obesity, male gender (although the risk for women increases after menopause), large neck circumference and certain structural features of the jaw and throat.

In addition to loud snoring, other symptoms can suggest the presence of sleep apnea, including morning headaches or sore throats, dry mouth and daytime drowsiness. Your partner may also alert you to noticeable pauses in breathing. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, we strongly encourage you to be evaluated for sleep apnea.

Revive Your Relationship – And Your Well-Being – With Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment

Fortunately, you can save your relationship from your snoring and give your health a boost by getting sleep apnea treatment. Oral appliance therapy is highly effective for many patients. With this type of treatment, the patient wears a device that is similar to a mouthguard while they are asleep. The appliance holds either the jaw or the tongue toward the front of the mouth to reduce the likelihood of soft tissues blocking the airway opening. This eliminates the problematic symptoms and health consequences of sleep apnea.

To learn about your treatment options for sleep apnea, contact our office to schedule an evaluation.

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